WordPress: WordPress Basic Allowed HTML for wp_kses

Safe set of allowed HTML tags & attributes

There are various approaches to providing a suitable $allowed_html parameter, but the method that I find to be the most sane and flexible is to pass my own custom-built array. To make things easier, I package my set of allowed HTML tags and attributes in the following convenient function:

function allowed_html() {

	$allowed_tags = array(
		'a' => array(
			'class' => array(),
			'href'  => array(),
			'rel'   => array(),
			'title' => array(),
		'abbr' => array(
			'title' => array(),
		'b' => array(),
		'blockquote' => array(
			'cite'  => array(),
		'cite' => array(
			'title' => array(),
		'code' => array(),
		'del' => array(
			'datetime' => array(),
			'title' => array(),
		'dd' => array(),
		'div' => array(
			'class' => array(),
			'title' => array(),
			'style' => array(),
		'dl' => array(),
		'dt' => array(),
		'em' => array(),
		'h1' => array(),
		'h2' => array(),
		'h3' => array(),
		'h4' => array(),
		'h5' => array(),
		'h6' => array(),
		'i' => array(),
		'img' => array(
			'alt'    => array(),
			'class'  => array(),
			'height' => array(),
			'src'    => array(),
			'width'  => array(),
		'li' => array(
			'class' => array(),
		'ol' => array(
			'class' => array(),
		'p' => array(
			'class' => array(),
		'q' => array(
			'cite' => array(),
			'title' => array(),
		'span' => array(
			'class' => array(),
			'title' => array(),
			'style' => array(),
		'strike' => array(),
		'strong' => array(),
		'ul' => array(
			'class' => array(),
	return $allowed_tags;

The tags and attributes provided by this function may be customized as desired. Here is an example of usage:

$string = ;'<a href="google.com" title="google" class="glin"> Google</a>';
$allowed_html = allowed_html();
$sanitized_string = wp_kses($string, $allowed_html);
